
Call Forward No Answer

Call Forward No Answer


This feature enables a User to redirect incoming calls to another phone destination when the User does not answer within a specified number of rings.


Call Forwarding No-Answer forwards calls to a specified forwarding phone number when a User does not answer an incoming call for a specified number of rings.


Call Forwarding No Answer can be activated and deactivated by use of Feature Access Codes:

*92 Call Forwarding No Answer Activation (Follow instructions to enter destination number)
*93 Call Forwarding No Answer Deactivation
*61* Call Forwarding No Answer Status
*41 Call Forwarding No Answer To Voicemail Activation
#41 Call Forwarding No Answer To Voicemail Deactivation


Web Portal Configuration/Operation

This service can also be set through the web portal.

To configure Call Forwarding No Answer through the Business Portal, navigate to:

  • Employees (select employee) > Features > Call Forwarding
  • Select the ‘Forward calls when there is no answer’ box to turn on the Call Forwarding No Answer feature

  • Enter a valid phone number or SIP URI that you wish to forward all calls to when the line is not answered in the ‘Forward to number/SIP URI’ box. If the number or SIP URI you enter is not valid the caller will receive number unattainable tone or a network announcement.
  • Select the number of rings required before the call is forwarded from the dropdown box. The default value is 3 rings.
  • Click Save