
Connected Line Identification Restriction - Withhold Number

Connected Line Identification Restriction


This feature provides an end user with the ability to allow/stop a calling party seeing their phone number, where another user has forwarded a call to them. 

This feature is only available for on-net calls and all Users need to be on the same publication, i.e. all users have this feature listed against them.


This is an ISDN based feature where it allows the calling party to see the remote user’s number, where the call has been forwarded to another user.

So an example is:

  • Caller A make a Call to Caller B
  • Caller B is forwarding to Caller C
  • Caller B will see that the Call has been delivered to Caller C and will see their telephone number


This feature is available to configure in the Business Portal by navigating to:

  • Employees > Features > Call Control > Connected Line Identification Restriction

To configure Connected Line Identification Restriction, follow these steps:

  • Off – This will provide your number back to any on-net callers.  The initiating caller will see this displayed on their handset.  Prior to March 12 2017 this was the default setting.  Therefore any users built before this will need to change this setting if this is not the desired behaviour.
  • On – This is the default setting and will ensure your number does not get passed to other on-net users, where calls are forwarded to you.  Other users in a Site will still see the connected line.

A user can also dial *56* to check whether this is setting is enabled or disabled.