Hot Desking Guest

Hot Desking Guest


Hot Desking Guest, included in the Mobile User license, allows a User to temporarily log onto another user’s phone, providing it has the Hot Desking Host license enabled. They can also make calls from this device which will present their own number, from their pre-existing WHC account, to other users.


Users with the Hot Desking Guest feature can assign and associate themselves with a Hot Desking Host User Device through the Business Portal or through the Voice Portal menus.  Once an association is made between a Guest User and a Host User Device, the Device configured on the Host User is associated to the Guest User for a temporary period of time. 

Calls made to and from the Guest User will use the Guest User’s available features and Calling Line ID and the Host User’s Device. Calls initiated through the Toolbar by the Guest User will use the Host User’s Device. The Guest User’s primary device will be unreachable and unable to receive calls whilst they are associated with the guest. 

Calls made to the Host User account will trigger a not-reachable condition, and available features configured for this condition on the Host User will execute. The behaviour is similar to the Host User having no assigned device or being unregistered on the platform.

Please be aware of the following points around emergency calls behaviour on Hot Desking:

Once a Guest User disassociates themselves from the Host User Device, the Host User Device is free to accept associations from other Guest Users. If there are any active calls up when a Guest User disassociates themselves from a Host User Device, those calls are allowed to complete normally.  Once the disassociation is complete the available features of the Guest User that are configured for their primary device now operate for incoming or outgoing calls to the Guest User’s primary location.


Hot Desking Guest is configurable at a User level through the User’s Feature Settings page in the Business Portal or via the Voice Portal. 

To associate in the Business Portal, navigate to: 

To associate via the Voice Portal menus:

Option 1 - Check Host Status

Option 2 – Association

Option 3 – Disassociation



Article ID: 329
Created: Mon, Feb 15, 2021
Last Updated: Mon, Feb 15, 2021
Author: Mark Simcoe

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