Hot Desking Host

Hot Desking Host


Hot Desking Host, included in the Fixed or Mobile User license, allows a phone device to become a Host to another user’s phone number.  Another User, with the Guest feature, can then log onto this existing phone with their own credentials and receive all their calls to this device.  They can also make calls from this device which will present their own number, from their pre-existing WHC account, to other users.


This feature can be enabled on an existing Fixed or Mobile User license and will then allow users with the Hot Desking guest feature to log onto.  A user without the Guest feature cannot log onto a Host license/device and likewise a user with the Guest license cannot log onto a license phone that does not have the Host feature in and enabled.  The Hot Desking Host feature is ‘off’ by default and can be unassigned, using feature assignment on the BP, in order to prevent incorrect or accidental use. 

A User can be both a Hot Desking Host and a Hot Desking Guest providing they have the correct license pack. 


Hot Desking Host is configurable at a User level through the User’s Feature Settings page in the Business Portal.

In the Business Portal, navigate to: 

The Hot Desking Host feature is operated by a user with a Hot Desking Guest Feature Please refer to the Hot Desking Guest section of this guide,

Article ID: 330
Created: Mon, Feb 15, 2021
Last Updated: Mon, Feb 15, 2021
Author: Mark Simcoe

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