Calling Plans

Calling Plans


The Calling Plan feature allows the Group or Company Administrator to restrict the type of calls Users can make and/or receive. Calling Plans can be applied to both incoming and outgoing calls.

The Calling Plan service offers basic and enhanced screening options. The enhanced screening options apply only to the outgoing call screening templates. The incoming and transfer/forward call screening templates remain the same with either option. The enhanced screening options are only available to a Site that has ‘Enhanced Outgoing Calling Plan’ in its service offering, Sites with a service offering of ‘Outgoing Calling Plan’ will not have these options available.


The Calling Plan feature allows the Group or Company Administrator to control the type of calls made, received, transferred, and forwarded by Users in a Site. The restrictions are applied by means of sets of call screening templates assigned to a Site, or to single Users. The templates specify various screening methods that should be applied to calls according to the call type or the digits dialled.

With the basic screening option, ‘Outgoing Calling Plan, any outgoing call that is intercepted by the Calling Plan service is sent to an announcement, informing the caller that the call is not allowed.

Otherwise, the call is allowed to go through as usual.

With the ‘Enhanced Outgoing Calling Plan’ the screening options available allow the administrator to select how to process the calls that are intercepted by the service.

The following interception options are offered for each call type or digit string:

For SIPT Users, Calling Plans will not work for calls between PBX users that do not pass through the IC-Talk 3 platform.

NOTE:  Calling Plan features customized for individual Users take precedence over Calling Plan features configured for the Site.

The Calling Plan includes:

The Group or Company Administrator can define different screening templates for outgoing, incoming, and redirected calls. The following sub- sections describe these capabilities in more detail.

Function - Call Topology

The Group or Company Administrator can define different screening templates for the following:

The call screening templates apply independently to different legs of the call. For instance, when a call is transferred by the User, both the incoming and transferred call screening templates are applied to the call sequentially.

Function - Call Types Incoming Call Screening

The Incoming Calling Plan option allows the Group or Company Administrator to screen incoming calls to a given Site or to an individual User.

The Incoming Call Screening template can screen the following call types:

IC-Talk 3 relies on the Calling Party Category (CPC) parameter of the Generic Transparency Descriptor (GTD) parameter received in the incoming SIP INVITE message to identify collect calls. When the CPC value is not related to an operator call or when the GTD parameter is not present, it is assumed that the call is not a collect call.

For a User, setting the “call from outside group” option to N, (block), disallows incoming calls from callers outside of the Site, independently of how the call gets to the User.

When an incoming call is denied by this function, the incoming caller receives the standard Incoming Calling Plan denial announcement.

NOTE: Where multiple Sites exist for a Customer, the “Calls from within the Site” and “Calls from outside the Site” screening criteria refers only to calls from outside the Enterprise. Calls from outside the Site but within the same Enterprise do not trigger the “Calls from within the Site” and “Calls from outside the Site” screening criteria.


‘Enterprise’ refers to a Customer with more than one Site where ‘Location Codes’ for extension level dialling between Sites have been configured.


Outgoing Call Screening

A Group or Company Administrator can use the Outgoing Calling Plan to control, or “screen”, the types of calls that can be made, transferred and forwarded by Users within a Site. You can configure default settings that apply to the Site as a whole and, if required, configure custom settings for particular Users.

NOTE: Calling Plan features customized for individual Users take precedence over Calling Plan features configured for the Site.

The Outgoing Calling Plan allows screening for certain types of outgoing calls so that these calls are automatically redirected to an announcement that informs the User that the call is not allowed. Calls that do not match screening criteria are processed normally.

The Outgoing Call Screening template can screen the following call types:

The same call types can be screened by the Forward/Transfer and the Being Forwarded/Transferred Call Screening templates.

IC-Talk 3 defines a digit map for the platform that defines fixed digit strings that should be mapped to each call type. For example, this digit map assigns 999 and 112 to the emergency operator in the UK, and blocks calls to Premium Rate numbers starting with 09.

In addition to fixed call types, the Calling Plan service allows the Site or Company Administrator to screen calls against configurable digit strings at the Site and User level.

The Site or Company Administrator can define as many digit strings as required, and selectively assign them to the Site, or particular Users. The digit strings can be used to complement the Outgoing and Forward/Transfer Call Screening templates.



The Site or Company Administrator can configure the Incoming and Outgoing Calling Plans and required Digit Strings through the Business Portal from the Site Feature Settings page under ‘Calling Plans’.

Navigate to:  Sites (select Site) > Features > Management > Calling Plans

Configuration – Digit Strings

This is a pattern of digits to that you want to allow or deny outgoing calls to by all Users at the selected Site or particular users at the selected Site.

The new digit string is added to the Outgoing Calling Plan. When you access the Outgoing Digit Plans page, the new digit string is available for you to configure.

Configuration – Outgoing Calling Plan

When Site members attempt to place calls of this type, they receive a message informing them that the call is not allowed.

Configuration – Outgoing Calling Plan - Calls Forwarded by Site Employee

The Calls Forwarded by Site Employee page allows the Group or Company Administrator to configure the way calls that are forwarded or transferred by members of the selected Site are handled.

For example, if you enable the International option, you allow members of the Site to forward calls to international numbers. If you disable the International option, Users who attempt to forward calls to international numbers receive a message that indicates that the call is not allowed.

Configuration - Outgoing Calling Plan – Site Employee Calls Forwarded by Another Party

This feature allows the Group or Company Administrator to specify whether members of the selected Site can transfer or forward intra-group calls to external numbers.

Configuration – Outgoing Calling Plan for an Individual User

By default, the Outgoing Calling Plan you configure for a Site applies to all of the Users who are members of the Site.

If required, you can apply custom outgoing calling plans to particular Users.

NOTE: Custom outgoing calling plans applied to individual Users take precedence over the default outgoing calling plan applied to the parent Site.

From the Site Feature Settings, Calling Plans page, click ‘Customize Users’ from the box on the left

This page shows all Users that are members of the Site.

The list of functions in the ‘Outgoing Plan’ column will now be available as hyperlinks.

To customize whether the User can forward calls to certain types of numbers, click the ‘Initiating Call Forwards/Transfers’ hyperlink in the Outgoing Calling Plans section.

To customize whether the User’s calls can be forwarded or transferred to outside of the Site, click the ‘Being Forwarded/Transferred’ hyperlink in the Outgoing Calling Plans section.

NOTE: When customizing a User’s outgoing calling plan this box is automatically un-ticked. If a user is required to forward or transfer calls outside the Site, please remember to manually re-enable this box.

Configuration – Digit Plans for an Outgoing Calling Plan – Site Level

Once Digit Strings have been added, (refer to ‘Configuration – Digit Strings’ above), they be can configured into a Digit Plan for an Outgoing Calling Plan.

From the Site Feature Settings, Calling Plans page,

Configuration – Digit Plans for an Outgoing Calling Plan – User Level

Once Digit Strings have been added, (refer to ‘Configuration – Digit Strings’ above), they be can configured into a Digit Plan for an Outgoing Calling Plan.

NOTE: The individual User Digit Plan settings take precedence over the Digit Plans settings for the Site.

From the Site Feature Settings, Calling Plans page,

The Customize Settings per Activated Employee page will be displayed.

This page shows all Users that are members of the Site.

The list of functions in the ‘Outgoing Plan’ column will now be available as hyperlinks.

Configuration – Incoming Calling Plan – Site Level

The Incoming Calling Plan option allows the Group or Company Administrator to screen incoming calls to a given Site or to an individual User. By default, the settings you apply to a Site apply to all Users who are members of the Site.

If required, you can apply custom incoming calling plans to specific Users.

From the Site Feature Settings, Calling Plans page,

Within Group - Used to specify whether incoming calls to Site members originating from within the Site are permitted.

Outside Group - Used to specify whether incoming calls to Site members originating from outside the Site are permitted.

If you select “Partial” from the list, this means that only outside calls transferred from another Site member are permitted.

Collect Calls - Used to specify whether incoming collect calls made to Site members are permitted.

Custom Digit String (if configured) - Used to specify whether incoming calls to Site members that match the custom digit string are permitted


Configuration – Incoming Calling Plan – User Level

By default, the Incoming Calling Plan that the Group or Company Administrator configures for a given Site applies to all of the Users who are members of the Site. If required, you can apply custom Incoming Calling Plans to individual Users.

NOTE: Custom Incoming Calling Plans applied to individual Users take precedence over the default Incoming Calling Plan applied to their parent Site.

From the Site Feature Settings, Calling Plans page,

The functions in the ‘Incoming Plan’ column will now be available as a hyperlink.

The Incoming Calling Plan page is displayed.

Configure the options as required. The available choices for each option are:-

Within Group - Used to specify whether incoming calls to Site members originating from within the Site are permitted.

Outside Group - Used to specify whether incoming calls to Site members originating from outside the Site are permitted.

If you select “Partial” from the list, this means that only outside calls transferred from another Site member are permitted.

Collect Calls - Used to specify whether incoming collect calls made to Site members are permitted.

Custom Digit String (if configured) - Used to specify whether incoming calls to Site members that match the custom digit string are permitted

Configuration Example – Allow specific 09 number

The default calling plan has the routing of 09 numbers (premium numbers) set to ‘No’.

On occasion a Customer may need to dial a specific 09 number for valid business reasons. This can be enabled by simply setting 09 numbers to ‘Yes’ in the Outgoing Calling Plan for the Site. However this will allow all Users on Site to dial any 09 number, including those that may not be for valid business reasons.

It is considered ‘best practice’ to only allow the specific 09 number the Customer requires for valid business reasons.

To allow all Users on Site to dial the required 09 number:-

If only 1 or 2 users on Site are required access to the 09 number, steps 2 and 3 can be performed at the ‘Customize User’ level.

This is also a useful method for restricting access to ‘approved’ international destinations.

Article ID: 332
Created: Mon, Feb 15, 2021
Last Updated: Mon, Feb 15, 2021
Author: Darren M

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