Configurable Feature Access Codes

Configurable Feature Access Codes


IC-Talk 3 allows the Group or Company Administrator to select the Feature Access Codes (FAC) used to activate, deactivate, and configure various features. This may be required to duplicate functions Users are familiar with from legacy systems or to avoid conflicts with a Customer’s required numbering plan.

A Group or Company Administrator can configure a main and alternate access code for each Business VoIP feature that Users can access through their phones. Each is configured with a default access code which you can change if required. Each feature or function must have at least one access code.  If no feature access code is associated with a specific feature, Users cannot interact with this feature through their phones.

The system has default values for Feature Access Codes. The table below indicates the default Feature Access Codes (FAC) available.

NOTE:  For User level features, individual Users will only be able to use the Feature Access Codes for features that are contained in their assigned Feature Pack.






Automatic Callback Deactivation

Allows Users to deactivate all current automatic callback sessions. Automatic Callback is a User feature that retries a busy line automatically, with callback notification as soon as the called line becomes free. The busy called party must be in the User’s Site.


  Call Bridge

Allows a user with the Shared Call Appearance/Call Director service to join a bridge.


  Call Director E164 Dialling

Allows the user to dial an E.164 number.  The user dials the feature access code as an alias to the "+" sign.  The system replaces the feature access code digits with the "+" sign and resumes the call origination with an E.164 number


Call Forwarding Always Activation

Allows Users to redirect incoming phone calls to another number, such as a mobile phone or PA.  After dialling the assigned FAC, Users dial the destination phone number to which calls will be redirected followed by the hash key (#).






Call Forwarding Always Deactivation

Allows Users to turn Call Forwarding Always off.  After deactivation, calls ring to the User’s phone unless the user has set up another feature such as Call Forwarding Busy, Call Forwarding No Answer, or Do Not Disturb.



Call Forwarding Always Interrogation

Informs the user whether the Call Forwarding Always service is activated or deactivated.  If the service is activated, the user also hears the forwarding destination, which can be a phone number or voice mail.  Call Forwarding Always Interrogation is available only when one or more of the following services are authorized (for a service provider or group) or assigned (for a user):  Call Forwarding Always, Voice Messaging User.



Call Forwarding Always to Voice Mail Activation

Allows Users to send all calls directly to voice mail.



Call Forwarding Always to Voice Mail Deactivation


Allows Users to deactivate Call Forwarding Always To Voice Mail.






Call Forwarding Busy Activation

Allows Users to redirect their incoming phone calls to another number when they are on the phone, such as a mobile phone or PA.  After dialling the assigned FAC, Users dial the destination phone number where they want their calls to be redirected.





Call Forwarding Busy Deactivation

Allows Users to turn Call Forwarding Busy off. After deactivation, calls ring on the User’s phone unless the User has set up another feature such as Call Forwarding Always, Call Forwarding No Answer, or Do Not Disturb.




Call Forwarding Busy Interrogation

Tells the user whether their Call Forwarding Busy service is activated or deactivated.  If the service is activated, the user also hears the forwarding destination, which can be a phone number or voice mail.  Call Forwarding Busy Interrogation is available only when one or more of the following services are authorized (for a service provider or group) or assigned (for a user):  Call Forwarding Busy, Voice Messaging User.



Call Forwarding Busy To Voice Mail Activation

Allows Users to send calls to voice mail when they are busy on an active call.



Call Forwarding Busy To Voice Mail Deactivation


Allows Users to deactivate Call Forwarding Busy To Voice Mail.






Call Forwarding No Answer Activation

Allows Users to redirect their incoming phone calls to another destination number when they do not answer their phone, such as a mobile phone or PA.  After dialling the assigned FAC, the Users dial the destination phone number where they want their calls to be redirected.



Call Forwarding No Answer Deactivation

Allows Users to turn Call Forwarding No Answer off. After deactivation, calls ring on the User’s phone unless the user has set up another feature such as Call Forwarding Busy, Call Forwarding Always, or Do Not Disturb.




Call Forwarding No Answer Interrogation

Informs the user whether their Call Forwarding No Answer service is activated or deactivated.  If the service is activated, the user also hears the forwarding destination, which can be a phone number or voice mail.  Call Forwarding No Answer Interrogation is available only when one or more of the following services are authorized (for a service provider or group) or assigned (for a user):  Call Forwarding No Answer, Voice Messaging User.





Call Forwarding No Answer to Voice Mail Activation

Allows Users to send calls to voice mail when calls are presented to their phone but are not answered.



Call Forwarding No Answer to Voice Mail Deactivation

Allows Users to deactivate Call Forwarding No Answer To Voice Mail.


Call Forwarding Not Reachable Activation

Allows Users to have their incoming calls forwarded to a different destination number when their device is not registered on the platform.  After dialling the assigned FAC, Users dial the destination phone number where they want their calls to be redirected.




Call Forwarding Not Reachable Deactivation

Allows Users to disable Call Forwarding Not Reachable.  After deactivation, if the user’s phone becomes unregistered, calls are no longer routed to the alternate destination phone number by the Call Forwarding Not Reachable feature.


Call Forwarding Not Reachable Interrogation

Informs the user whether their Call Forwarding Not Reachable service is activated or deactivated.  If the service is activated, the user also hears the forwarding destination.  Call Forwarding Not Reachable Interrogation is available only when the user has the Call Forwarding Not Reachable service assigned.




Call Park

Allows Users to “park” a call.  Users can park calls only on devices that belong to Users that have this feature is their assigned Feature Pack.


Call Park Retrieve

Allows Users to retrieve a call that was previously parked.


Call Pickup

Allows Users that are a member of a Call Pickup Group to pick up calls ringing for other Users belonging to the same Call Pickup Group. The Call Pickup Group is created by a Company or Site Administrator and may or may not contain all Users belonging to the Site.

When Users dial the Call Pickup FAC, the longest ringing phone in the Call Pickup Group is answered.




Call Rejection Activation

Activates the Anonymous Call Rejection service.  After the user dials the feature access code, an announcement informs the user that the service has been successfully activated.  If the service was already active, the user still receives the announcement




Call Rejection Deactivation

Deactivates the Anonymous Call Rejection service.  After the user dials the feature access code, an announcement informs the user that the service has been successfully deactivated, even if the service was never activated.




Call Retrieve and Call Director Move

Retrieves an existing active call from another endpoint.  The user dials the Call Retrieve feature access code from the location where they want to retrieve the call.  Calls can be retrieved from the primary location, from a Shared Call Appearance alternate location, or from a Call Director location.





Call Return

Allows Users to return a call to the phone number of the last call answered.  Users will be allowed to return calls only to call types allowed in the Outgoing Calling Plan.




Call Return Number Deletion


Deletes the last calling number.



Call Waiting Persistent Activation

Allows Users to activate Call Waiting Persistent (for all calls)



Call Waiting Persistent Deactivation

Allows Users to deactivate Call Waiting Persistent (for all calls)



Callback Menu Access

Provides access to an interactive voice response (IVR) menu, which lists the current pending callback requests and allows the user to cancel individual callback requests.



*67 or 141



Calling Line ID Delivery Blocking per Call

Allows Users to prevent display of their Calling Line ID for the next call only.  Before placing a call, the User dials the assigned FAC, and then places the call as usual.

Please note if a user has an extension number of 141 or starting with 141, then changes will need to be made to allow the user to receive extension calls.  Either the user should be created with an alternate extension number, or the alternative 141 code should be removed from the Site feature.  




Calling Line ID Delivery Blocking Persistence Activation


Allows Users to activate Calling Line ID Delivery Blocking for all calls



Calling Line ID Delivery Blocking Persistence Deactivation


Allows Users to deactivate Calling Line ID Delivery Blocking for all calls




Calling Line ID Delivery per Call

Allows Users to display their Calling Line ID for the next call. Before placing a call, the User dials the assigned FAC, and then places the call as usual.

Note that this feature is active only for one phone call.


Cancel Call Waiting

Allows Users to dial the assigned FAC to turn off Call Waiting for the next call.



  Customer Originated Trace


Not Supported.


  Direct Voice Mail Transfer

Allows Users to transfer a held call directly to a User’s voice mail, if the destination User is on the same Site. The Voice Messaging feature must be assigned and configured on the User’s Site.





Directed Call Pickup with Barge-In

Allows Users to ‘Barge In’ on calls to or from another User in the same group, by entering the assigned FAC followed by the extension of the User whose call is to be ‘Barged-In’ on.

Barge-In is successful only when the destination User has only a single call, (that is, no calls on hold or call waiting). When a User ‘barges in’ on an answered call, the call becomes a three-way call and the User who ‘barged in’ becomes the controller of the three- way call.








Do Not Disturb Activation

Allows Users to activate the Do Not Disturb feature by dialling the assigned FAC. When Do Not Disturb is active, a User’s phone will not ring and all incoming calls will receive ‘busy’. If the User has Voice Mail, by default the call will be forwarded to Voice Mail. If a User has set Call Forwarding Busy, calls will be forwarded to the destination number configured.



Do Not Disturb Deactivation

  Allows Users to deactivate Do Not Disturb.


Escalated Call to Supervisor

Allows  a call Centre agent to escalate calls to their supervisor


Flash Call   Hold





Allows Users to put a call on hold on a device that does not have a Hold button. Typically these are analogue devices. On this type of device, a User presses the ‘R’ button or presses and releases the Hang up button, (hookswitch) on the phone cradle.





Group Call Park


Parks the call on the user’s Call Park group.   When the user dials the feature access code, the service hunts for the first available user in the Call Park group and parks the call there.  This feature access code cannot be used until the Call Park service is assigned and a user can only be in one Call Park group at a time.




Last Number Redial

Allows Users to redial the last number dialled. Users can only redial calls where the call type is allowed in the Outgoing Calling Plan


Location Control Activation

Activates a Shared Call Appearance alternate location, or a BroadWorks Anywhere location.  The user must dial the Location Control Activation feature access code from the location that needs to be activated.


Location Control Deactivation

Deactivates a Shared Call Appearance alternate location, or a BroadWorks Anywhere location.  The user must dial the Location Control Deactivation feature access code from the location that needs to be deactivated.


Music On Hold Per-Call Activation

Allows Users to deactivate the Music On Hold feature for the next calls


No Answer Timer

Allows Users to change the number of rings a caller hears before Call Forwarding No Answer redirects the call




Per-Call Account Code

Allows Users to provide an account code before attempting a call, or, during an ongoing call, to apply the account code by placing the call on hold.


Push To Talk

Provides an intercom-like functionality where you can call another user and be connected.


  Selective Call Forwarding Activation

Activates the Selective Call Forwarding service, which sends incoming calls to another number, such as a mobile phone or administrative assistant, based on pre-defined criteria.  The service must be configured through the web portal with the default forwarding number and at least one active selective criterion before it can be activated.


   Selective Call  Forwarding Deactivation

Deactivates the Selective Call Forwarding service.




Speed Dial 8

Allows Users to program an assigned one-digit (2 through 9) speed dial code to commonly called numbers.




Speed Dial 100

Allows Users to program an assigned two-digit (00 through 99) speed dial code to commonly called numbers.



Clear Voice Message Waiting Indicator

Allows Users to clear the audible (and visible for some devices) Message Waiting Indicator on their phone.


Voice Mail Retrieval

Allows the user to retrieve their voice mail.  Upon dialling this feature access code, the user is automatically connected to their voice mail retrieval menu.


Connected Line Identification Restriction Interrogation

Allows a user to query the status of this feature to see if it is enabled or disabled.



Configurable Feature Codes allow the Group or Company Administrator to configure the Feature Access Codes used by Users in the Site to activate, deactivate, and configure various IC-Talk 3 features.

A Feature Access Code is defined as a string of two digits with a standard one or two character prefix composed of special characters like star (*) or hash (#). The default prefix is a single star (*).  This code can be dialled by the Users in the Site to interact with those features.

Feature Access Codes must be unique within a Site. It is possible to configure an alternate Feature Access Code for each feature access code-based feature.  When you add or change a feature access code, the IC-Talk 3 service validates the code to ensure that:

A second validation is applied when adding an extension to a User, or modifying a User’s extension. If a conflict/collision occurs when either a Feature Access Code or an extension is modified, an error message appears.


Limiting Conditions

When there is a conflict/collision between a Feature Access Code and an Extension or a Speed Dial Code, the Feature Access Code has priority.

Feature Access Codes must be unique within the Site.

When no Feature Access Code is associated with a feature, Users in the Site cannot interact with that feature through their phone.


Feature Access Codes are configurable by the Group or Company Administrator through the Business Portal Site Feature Settings page, under ‘Feature Access Codes’.

Feature Access Codes are subject to the following rules:

To configure the customizable Feature Access Codes,

The values in the ‘Main’ column are the default Feature Access Codes and should not be changed.

In the ‘Alternate’ column key in the required changes to the Feature Access Codes for this Site keeping to the following rules.

Please refer to the Configurable Feature Access Codes section of this document for more information on Feature Access Codes.

Article ID: 335
Created: Mon, Feb 15, 2021
Last Updated: Mon, Feb 15, 2021
Author: Darren M

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