Sequential Ring

Sequential Ring


Ring multiple phones sequentially when calls are received


Sequential Ring allows you to sequentially ring up to 5 locations in addition to the base location for a specified number of rings.

The 5 locations can be either a phone number or a SIP-URI. The feature applies to calls matching your pre-defined criteria. Use this service to ring calls from your manager, a family member, or an important customer on your mobile phone, alternate business phone, or home phone.

The criteria for each Sequential Ring entry can be a list of up to 12 phone numbers or digit patterns, a specified time schedule, and a specified holiday schedule. All criteria for an entry must be satisfied for the call to enter Sequential Ring (phone number and day of week and time of day). If the criteria do not match, the call continues as if this service was not turned on.


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Article ID: 344
Created: Mon, Feb 15, 2021
Last Updated: Mon, Feb 15, 2021
Author: Mark Simcoe

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