
Moving or adding a device on IC-talk 3

To move a phone between users

In order to do this, we need to first find the user that has the phone, and deprovision the phone from them, thus freeing it up for the other user to take.

  • Log onto the business portal at https://portal.yourwhc.co.uk/businessportal/login.jsp with your username, password and domain.
  • Go to sites, then select the site the user is on, go to the employees tab and search for the user you wish to deprovision the phone from
  • When you are in the user, select service settings, then scroll towards the bottom where it says "device selection" be sure to make a note of the phones name
  • If you select the device ID as no device this will deprovision the phone from that user if you select "save" at the bottom of the page
  • If you wish to now reassign them a different phone, you can go back into that user and either add the MAC address and device type if its a new phone, or select one from the drop down if its already on the system.
  • Go into the user you wish the phone to be swapped to, by going employees, search for the user and service settings
  • Select the phone from the drop down, you should of noted the name down from the steps earlier - if you did not, you can go into sites, device management, devices. This will list all the devices and their mac addresses.


To configure a new phone to a user

  • Log onto the business portal at https://portal.yourwhc.co.uk/businessportal/login.jsp with your username, password and domain.
  • Go to sites, then select the site
  • Go to device management and then devices
  • Click on the + Add
  • Give the device a name, select the model of the phone and add the MAC address of the phone and save
  • Go to the employees tab and search for the user which the phone needs to be assigned to
  • When you are in the user, select service settings, then scroll towards the bottom where it says “device selection” and select the device you created
  • Go to the bottom of the page and save.
  • Wait 5 minutes then reboot the phone.


  • Attached Files
  • IC-Talk3 Moving adding a device.pdf (933.18 KB) 390