
Guide for customers migrating from IPVS to IC-talk3




Important information for customers migrating from the IPVS service to the new updated IC-talk 3 service.




Overview.. 1

Leading up to the migration. 1

Firewall settings / security guide. 2

Company administrators. 2

All users. 2

Individual application users. 3

Voicemail users. 3

Call recording users. 3

Reception console users. 4

Wallboard users. 4

Replacement UC office client software. 4

note: this document is available as a word document below.


Please note some customers will need to perform migration activities based on the facilities / applications that they use, so attention should be paid to the activities detailed below (detailed by application) in advance of your migration date to ensure everything goes smoothly for your users.

As previously detailed to you, we are migrating customers from the IPVS service due to this service closing.  As the new service has new features and updated applications, some customer involvement in the migration process is required, to ensure customers end users are using the correct applications for the new platform.

Leading up to the migration

This document details several actions that customers will need to take pre and post migration (depending on features / applications used).  Please pay attention to firewalls that need to be checked / reconfigured, applications that need to be downloaded, documents that your end users may need and voicemail settings which you may want to tweak - prior to the migration.

You should also avoid making changes to your IPVS setup during the week before migration to minimise the risk of data integrity issues causing problems with your migration.

During this pre-migration phase you will need to contact your users to advise of the change and brief them on the activities they will need to complete both pre and post migration to minimise any service impact post migration. 

In particular prior to the migration you should consider:

  • check that the customers firewall / router/ modem(s) are enabled for ICtalk3 to avoid any service issues post migration. The settings and further details can be found in the firewall settings / security guide section detailed below.
  • Ensure users have all devices to be migrated plugged in to the service on the night of migration. Any devices not plugged in & registered will not be migrated and will need to be manually re-configured post migration to get them to register. Any incompatible devices will need to be changed out as part of the migration to avoid service loss for that user.
  • ensure all users to be migrated have a valid external telephone number, as extension only users are not supported on the new ic-talk3 system.
  • Users with voicemail enabled may want to set their voicemail to send emails in advance of the migration date, to ensure no voicemails are lost during the migration period / voicemails on the IPVS system are retrieved before your migration date. Voicemail users should also be warned that any personal greetings they have recorded on the current voicemail system will need to be re-recorded post migration.
  • Ensure customers have all compatible devices to be migrated plugged in to the service on the night of migration. Any devices not plugged in will not be migrated and will require to be manually re-configured post migration to get them to register. Any incompatible devices will need to be changed out as part of the migration to avoid service loss for that user.
  • Business Portal URL will change upon migration to ICtalk3 portal (access to IPVS will be removed). Login in credentials will remain the same as previous.
  • Customers that use clients and applications, such as Skype for Business, will need to download the new clients (from the BP) on the morning after migration. Any login credentials will be migrated across. Note; old clients should be deleted first to avoid issues.

Firewall settings / security guide

As you are being migrated to a new online service, you will need to ensure your firewalls allow access to the new hosting locations to ensure your service works as expected through your firewall.  Please see the customer documentation below for the port configuration for customer handsets / portal access.  Please note additional firewall requirements may be required for individual customer applications and the guide for the individual applications should be checked for this information.

Customer documentation

Firewall and security guide


Company administrators

Company administrators should refer to the Business Portal Company administrator guide to review any changes to the IPVS system they are used to, and may wish to disseminate the other guides referred to in this document below as appropriate for their end users:

Customer documentation

Business portal company administrator guide


All users

The address to access the online business portal will change post migration.  The new address is:


Users should refer to the Business Portal end user guide to review any changes to the IPVS system they are used to.

Customer documentation

Business portal end user guide


Individual application users

Voicemail users

Those users with voicemail – it is recommended that customers divert voicemails to email in advance of the migration date to ensure no voicemail recordings are lost due to the migration (old voicemail recordings will not be accessible post migration).  Any voicemails you want to keep should be retrieved after forwarding voicemails to email, and prior to the migration date.  Following the migration users will need to re-record any personalised voicemail recordings, as these cannot be taken over due to the encryption used to protect the recordings.

Customer documentation

Access voicemail


Recording voicemail message



Call recording users

Customers with call recording – you are migrating to a new application (Voice Recording User), and voice recordings cannot be migrated over due to the encryption methods used to protect recordings.  All voice recording customers will be migrated to the 30 day voice recording license which comes with 100Mb storage per site.  Anyone who needs more will need to confirm to sales and we can upgrade them.

As part of the migration, we will be transferring call (voice) recording licences, which will be given a default setting of ‘record all calls’, however, we will not be able to transfer any voice recordings. These will remain on the old platform for the duration of their storage term.

Post migration the user will need to;

  • Re configure their call (voice) recording settings to meet their specific requirements.
  • Access / download any existing recordings via their existing login credentials and URL for the remainder of the storage term from the IPVS system. For reference, existing URL: https://callrecorder.yourservices.co.uk/callrecorder.
  • Review call storage duration on the new ICtalk3 system. As part of the migration, call storage will be defaulted to 30 days on ICtalk3. If additional required, customers will need to contact sales to get this upgraded.

Note: Call (voice) recordings will not be migrated across to the new platform. These will continue to be accessible on IPVS via your existing login credentials and URL for the remainder of the storage term and should be downloaded if necessary.

Customer documentation

Voice recording guide


Accessing call recordings guide



Reception console users

Reception console users will need to download and install the new reception console applications.  For detailed instructions on the download / installation (section 3.1.1), configuration (section 3.2) and use of the application please see the customer documentation below.

Anyone with receptionist console SME will need to use the Reception console (SMB) replacement product.

Anyone with receptionist console enterprise will need to use the reception console (Enterprise) replacement product.

Customer documentation

Receptionist user guide



Wallboard users

Anyone using wallboards under IPVS will be migrated onto the replacement product (call analytics), and they will need to log on post migration and create wallboards as they need.  For detailed instructions please refer to the customer documentation below.

Customer documentation

Call Analytics user guide



Replacement UC office client software

Anyone with UC-One Desktop, Mobile and Tablet IM&P and Desktop share services within UC Team, UC Business will need to download / install & configure the replacement products - UC Office Desktop (Office UC), UC Business (includes UC Office Desktop (Office UC) app) & UC Team  (includes UC Office Desktop (Office UC) app).

No contacts in the legacy UC Office clients will be copied over to the new client.  You can either save them onto your device and/or save them into the business portal. You should then be able to access them from the new client.

Customer documentation

UC office Desktop guide


UC Business & UC Team Smartphone user guide


UC Office Tablet User Guide


UC Office Skype for Business User Guide



  • Attached Files
  • migration documentation.docx (21.74 KB) 490